Visit the KooBits website at https://member.koobits.com
In case you experience issues on your account, please try doing the basic troubleshooting steps below before logging in:
- Log out from browser.
- Delete/Remove browsing history, cache, and cookie. Please refer here for guides on clearing cache in different browsers/devices.
- Check if your browser is up-to-date. Click here for details of required minimum web browser versions.
- Open the Incognito Mode of Chrome (or use shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+N)
- Log in again at member.koobits.com.
If you have any questions or issues regarding the KooBits application, please contact KooBits via email at support@koobits.com.
You may also submit a request at the following link: https://support.koobits.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new..