Total Defence Day
Total Defence Day
Dazhong commemorated Total Defence Week from 8-11 Feb! Students were wide-eyed as they listened to soldiers, policemen and police officers in uniform talking to them in the classrooms and during recess. Recognising that they are our very own Dazhong teachers, students become even more inspired to put Total Defence into action. Students wrote #SGUnited appreciation cards to show our gratitude to the many heroes giving their all to protect our nation against the COVID-19 virus.
During CCE and SS Current Buzz lessons, students connect and recognise how their daily actions can contribute to Total Defence. Some of them also did the #TDFilterChallenge as they pledged to play their part in keeping Singapore and Dazhong strong.
It was also the first time the whole school was decked out in green, wearing our 2021 Dare to Lead T-Shirt! Listen to our Head Prefect Yarapa, Vice-Head Prefects Charmaine and Tyara deliver a very special Dare to Lead message, encouraging and inspiring all of us, teachers and students, to be leaders rooted in values!
#WeAreTotalDefence #TogetherWeKeepSingaporeStrong