Vision, Mission and Values
Philosophy: Vision, Mission, Values
Self-Directed Learners, Serving Leaders, Concerned Citizens
To nurture and empower achievers who Strive, Lead and Serve, anchored on values
Core Values
Integrity; Responsibility; Excellence; Acceptance; Perseverance
I– Integrity
I am morally upright and always speak the truth.
I do not cheat, steal or commit any offences.
I return things that do not belong to me.
I have the moral courage to do what is right at all times, and own up when I make a mistake.
I display sportsmanship.
R – Responsibility
I behave and speak appropriately at all times.
I am punctual for school, lessons and remedial/ supplementary class.
I complete my daily homework on my own and hand in on time.
I take care of things that belong to me, my friends and the school.
I take responsibility for my personal safety and the safety of people around me.
I take care of the environment and contribute actively in saving the environment.
I am filial to my elders and care for my family.
E – Excellence
I set myself high but realistic targets and work personally towards achieving them.
I give my personal best in all that I do to achieve the best possible results.
I challenge myself to go beyond limits.
I am exemplary in my conduct and attitude.
I participate actively in my studies and CCA.
I do myself, my family, my friends and my school proud.
A – Acceptance
I accept and appreciate the diversity in race, language, religion, culture, abilities and needs.
I show consideration for others in thoughts, words and deeds.
I treat everyone with respect.
I work well with my friends around me.
I accept myself for who I am.
P – Perseverance
I am determined and do not give up when I am given a difficult task.
I am able and willing to take up challenges and overcome difficulties.
I work hard but encourage myself with positive thinking.
I work hard by reading widely and doing a lot of practice.
I work hard by answering questions and finding answers to help me understand.
With Pride We Excel
School Crest
The 8 points of our compass symbolise that knowledge is everywhere and waiting to be acquired by us. The rings depict progress as we acquire knowledge.
Dazhong Beliefs
Deep learning, with practice, leads to mastery and innovation
Teach kids to value what they can learn, before we teach them how to learn
Informed curriculum decision-making with holistic data can better support students’ learning (than test scores alone)
Failing forward is instrumental to future successes.
Collaboration is the key to more impactful improvements and outcomes