Principal's Message
Principal's Message

Happy New Year to all parents and partners.
I am both excited and delighted to join the Dazhong family in 2024. Before my arrival, I had met colleagues who were ex-DZPS students, as well as neighbors who had placed their children in DZPS. They shared good memories of their stay in the school. Indeed, I have met only enthusiastic and caring staff every corner I turned in the school. The students have also shown much love in welcoming their new Principal. I am sure I will find my journey in DZPS a rewarding and enjoyable one.
Every student I interacted with reinforced my belief that they are young minds hungry for learning. This is the mission and impetus for my team to come to work every day. We know the children put their lives in our hands and our effort has a direct impact on their growth. To my team, every DZPS student is a “High Potential” student waiting for us to develop them into a gem. We are confident that, with your trust and partnership, your child’s journey here will be a fruitful one.
In 2024, we will continue to develop a holistic blend of education with emphasis on developing the head (cognitive), heart (values-guided), and body (healthy) of your child. We want every Dazhong graduand to be wise, caring, and healthy. For the head, we will reinforce our teaching methodologies with a strong focus on building strong fundamentals and systematically building up the knowledge blocks to make learning interconnected and applicable to real-life use. We want your child to be more than knowledgeable. We want them to be adaptive to challenges and inventive to create new values for themselves. For the heart, we will nurture every Dazhong student to be guided by strong values in decision-making and action-management. These values will be their guiding star as they navigate through life. For the body, we will strengthen every child’s physical and aesthetic development so that they will grow up healthy and know how to add colours to theirs and others’ lives.
I strive to lead my team to put your child at the centre of our purpose and deliver high-quality learning to every child. Your partnership is paramount and would multiply our effort. Together, I have confidence we can make your child’s time at Dazhong the strong foundation that will propel him/her to greater achievements in life.
Every Dazhong student is a High Potential student. We will help them reach their peaks!
Your partner in education,
Mr Chris Loh